Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Authors Articles by Austin Keith '24

Austin Keith '24

Austin Keith '24
Favorite Director: Werner Herzog | Favorite Song: Peg by Steely Dan | Favorite Sport Team: The Cowboy's sadly | Favorite cat: KC | Favorite Band: Steely Dan | _ " I will only speak french if you have a gun to my head" - Werner Herzog
Intro Where does our food come from? It is a question many think about more than once in our lifetime. We would like to believe...
Poster for the 2013 film Blackfish. Credit: Blackfish is one of those films I heard about and heard good things about but never was...
Dallas R2. Credit: Alienmeatsack (Lomography)   Intro One of my favorite films when it comes to it cinematography is The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021). The film is...
Sometimes the things we like in the world do not explain why we want them. Many times these things are insignificant and, at times,...
(Graphic made by: Austin Keith 24') Introduction As one of the more active members of The Roundup, I have always found learning more about this news...
insert your content to be over the parallax image   Less is More - By some photographer It is such a simple quote, only three words. Yet, it...
Little Dieter Needs to Fly I will die on the hill that is defending the movies made by Werner Herzog. I love Werner Herzog's films....
Graphic made by: Austin Keith     Introduction The relationship between an actor and their director is a very interesting one. It is a relationship that can only...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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