On October 20, Jesuit students, joined by their Ursuline counterparts, descended on Jesuit’s cafeteria and fields for game activities. Among those activities were spike ball and hamster balls, one of the more violent of the games in which people would run around in plastic balls getting knocked over by the surrounding crowd. While there were many games, there was also much enjoyment. There was something for everyone, whether it be cards, chess, or a football game. Overall, it was a very fun experience that everyone will look forward to next year.
“it was awsome to finally expereince a full ranger day full of fun with my friends.” – Luke Lary ’26
Morning Pep Rally
Before Ursuline arrived, all Jesuit students gathered in Walsh Gym for a pep rally. There, all the grades chose representatives to compete in games. In one game, four students, one from each grade, through a boomerang at a target strapped to a chair. The freshmen’s target was about a 1/4 page, the sophomore’s 1/3 page, the junior’s 1/2 page, and the senior about 3x a page. The sophomore, Teige Mitchell, was arrested because he hit the chair that had a sign saying “school property” to it. He was later taken to Dallas County courthouse and charged with defacing school property. He is set to stand trial. When asked to comment on these charges he said,
“it wasn’t me. i was set UP BUT go rangers!”
Another one of the games had the grade levels going head-to-head in a map drawing competition. The freshmen were granted a pen with no ink, the sophomores were given a crayon, the juniors were given a broken pencil, and the seniors a normal pencil. As time expired, Richard Stanford ’24, the senior representative, was victorious, holding up a map that appeared to have been bought from a store. The seniors came away with the overall victory, dominating all the grades. Afterwards, students were dismissed for games.Â

Outside Games
After the Pep Rally, students were dismissed for games. In the gym, there was arena football and 3-on-3 football. Right next to Walsh Gym, the small gym held Dodgeball. The cafeteria held ping pong tables. Outside, Xavier Mall held table top games such as Jenga, checkers, chess, and trivia competitions.Â

Jesuit’s sports facilities also hosted games. The North endzone of the football stadium held bubble soccer, while the South endzone held cornhole. Kickball games were featured in the baseball field, while ultimate frisbee, soccer, and whiffleball were held in the practice fields. Overall students enjoyed these games and experiences.Â
“ranger day was a lot of fun and a great time to bond with my classmates and make new friends!” -Coco quinn, Ursuline sophomore
Powder Puff Game and Chariot Races
This year continued the annual tradition of the powderpuff game for Ursuline’s juniors and senior along with the freshmen homeroom chariot races. In the powderpuff game, the Seniors pulled out a hard-fought win by a score of 9-0. The seniors would do it by scoring a touchdown and forcing a safety on the following drive.

This year’s edition of the chariot races featured the theme of blockbuster movies. Among the costumes were Minions, Avengers, DC Superheroes, Top Gun, and Barbie. Mr. Howard’s homeroom would go on to win the chariot races. Not the only did they win the chariot races, but they also won the overall Brotherhood Games trophy.
“Chariot races were an overwhelming success this year thanks to the leadership of the senior big brothers with their respective homerooms. I thought the homerooms did an incredible job dressing in their assigned theme. From Sharknado to Ratatouille every homeroom really embraced this part of the competition.” – Mr. tim Murphy ’06
Ranger Day was once again a day to remember. Between all the games, memories, and fellowship, there was something for everyone. It was an experience that no is sure to soon forget.
All photos credit of Mrs. Katy Wilson.
Stay tuned to the Jesuit Roundup for more school and community news!