On March 20, 2023, a group of exchange students from the Instituto de Ciencias in Guadalajara, Mexico. Upon arrival, the visiting students were warmly greeted by their Jesuit host brothers. The Guadalajara group stayed in Dallas from March 20 to April 15. During their stay, the Guadalajara students shared classes, extracurriculars, and sports with their host brothers, as well as partaking in service and trips around Dallas. Despite staying for only a month, the exchange students had many memorable experiences with their brothers and the Jesuit community.


Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Eduardo Pinto about his thoughts on this year’s program.

When was the exchange program with the Guadalajara students established?

The exchange program between Jesuit Dallas and Instituto de Ciencias was formed 13 years ago. Usually, this program took place in November (Jesuit students to Guadalajara) and March (Guadalajara students to Jesuit). In the last two years, we increased the limit of students coming to Jesuit to 4 students, as compared to 2 in previous years. Gradually, the program grows to be more popular both here and in Guadalajara as student interest rises. Even though there are a myriad of international programs in Guadalajara, the program with Instituto de Ciencias is one of the most popular of all. 

2019 Guadalajara exchange students working at the AIDS Resource Center (Source: The Roundup)

Compared to previous trips, what was unique about this year’s program? 

This year’s program was unique because there were more pre-departure meetings. Also, we have increased conversations about the effects of the COVID pandemic on exchange students’ interactions with classmates. We knew that the Instituto de Ciencias is also taking COVID into consideration, such as interaction with international schools outside Mexico (their case would be Jesuit Dallas). 

View of the campus of Instituto de Ciencias (Source: Instituto de Ciencias)

When I was in Guadalajara with Mr. Perry, we had a pre-departure meeting with the families of the Guadalajara students coming to Dallas. During the meeting, we tried to address the numerous questions of these families and students by providing sufficient information regarding the trip.

As one of the leading faculty members of the program, what have you observed regarding Jesuit students and host brothers’ interactions with the Guadalajara students? 

I think that we possess one of the most beautiful things regarding working with international Jesuit schools. The same structure that the Society of Jesus created many times over history is a mirror of what is happening in Mexico, Spain, and other countries. It is important for students to adapt to the specific and intense structure based on academic quality, physical demands, and cognitive enhancement. For example, the Instituto de Ciencias in Guadalajara also has an examen period, but it occurs during a different time of day. However, when we have the examen in the afternoon, the exchange students also pause, focus on the instructions, and reflect on their day.

Regarding the program, what are you looking forward to most next year? Are you planning on implementing new changes?

I have conserved with leading faculty members in Guadalajara about expanding our mutual program. For example, this summer, Jesuit students will visit Guadalajara for two weeks. In Guadalajara, our students will have a 2-day retreat in Spanish. During the spring semester or break, we are planning on incorporating the same 2-day retreat component for the Guadalajara students as well.

Mr. Perry, Mr. Eduardo Pinto, and Guadalajara students with host brothers enjoying cake. April 14 (Friday) was the last day for the Guadalajara students in Dallas.


Following this trip, two exchange students shared their experiences at Jesuit and living in Dallas.

“I think this was a great experience for me and my other friends from Guadalajara because it helped us to improve our English and get to know different cultures and a different lifestyle than it is from Mexico. My favorite moment or part was the community service. In addition, I really liked helping those that were asking for help, and getting to know the amazing people from Chance’s Pies.” – Hector Aquilar Gariba, Ethan Irrobali’s host brother

Ethan (center) and host brothers with Reunion Tower landscape in the background (Source: Ethan Irrobali)

“Dallas was one of the best experiences that I have had. The people at Jesuit were very friendly. I learned from all the different activities that we had at school and with our host family. Overall, it was a great experience that I highly recommend.” – Matias Levy, Spencer Broussard’s host brother

Stay tuned to The Roundup for more school and community news, especially exchange programs!

Anthony Nguyen '24, Managing Editor
Anthony has spent three years working for The Roundup. He is involved in Model UN, UIL Academics, Environmental Society, National Honor Society, and Key Club (junior year). In his free time, Anthony watches high-quality movies and TV shows like The Gentlemen and House of Cards to name a few. Also, he invests time in rooting for the Cowboys, Mavericks, and Rangers, even when times are difficult. Anthony will attend Boston College and major in economics.