Photograph by David Sucsy, ISTOCKPHOTO

It’s that time of the year again! What a wonderful time it is as the cold rolls in and the countdown to Christmas begins. I always enjoy doing special Christmas traditions with my family and friends so I made a list of some of my favorite things to do this time of year that you should try!


Image courtesy Prestonwood Baptist Church

1) The Gift of Christmas

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to the Gift of Christmas show performed at Prestonwood Church. This show is no small undertaking and resembles the performance of a Broadway show with its bright lights, impeccable props, and most importantly the expansive cast and crew that makes the production possible. Every person in the show volunteers their time and resources to make this amazing show possible, testifying to the heart and soul poured into every detail. This enrapturing experience brings to life the North Pole and Santa’s whole operation as well as exuberantly depicting the nativity story. It begins with a walk through the North Pole on Christmas Eve exhibiting everything from Mrs. Claus’ schoolroom to rapping penguins. It ends dramatically with Santa’s exciting departure which leads into the second section of the show. This section creates a more solemn and emotional with its Christmas songs celebrating Christ and its realistic reenactment of the nativity story. I attend the fantastic show each year with family and friends and I love the excitement and emotion that surrounds this show and the beautiful portrayal of Jesus’ birth. The acting is fantastic and pairs perfectly with the superb effects that together create a wonderful show I would recommend you to check out this holiday season.


Image courtesy of Almaje

2)  Making/Decorating Christmas Cookies

This next one on the list is a classic that you may already do with your family but, if not, you are missing out. Start by baking your cookies using the recipe I added below or any cookie recipe that you would like. I would suggest doing a plain recipe that allows the dough to be cut and shaped as you like and for it to be able to be decorated. I would not suggest chocolate chip cookies, oatmeal cookies, or anything of that kind, but rather try to choose something like a sugar cookie. Once you have let the cookies properly cool and settle, get the family together for an afternoon and decorate at will! Make it more fun with a contest to see who can make the most creative or detailed design with icing. Go crazy with sprinkles and don’t be afraid to try some cookies here and there. I love this tradition that allows me to have some quality time with the family while making some tasty sweets. I would highly recommend trying this activity out with family and friends.

Recipe: Holiday Butter Cookies Recipe _ King Arthur Baking

3) White Elephant/Secret Santa

A more widely known Christmas tradition, these game never fails to bring laughs and joy to your Christmas holidays. These games are similar and both are fun in different ways. White Elephant (a.k.a. Dirty Santa) requires you to buy a gift, usually with a price limit, and wrap it anonymously. Everyone then brings their gifts together and you take turns choosing a gift from the pile. There are many variations but almost all include the action of stealing which is where you can choose to steal a gift someone else has chosen, creating a slightly competitive and more enjoyable game experience. This game is really fun to play with people your age and can be played with genuine gifts or joke gifts that make everyone laugh. Similar but different is the game called Secret Santa. This game is a little less fun but a lot more meaningful and sincere. For this game, get a group of people together and each person randomly chooses another person to buy a gift for. Nobody knows who has who so it is a surprise until the day the gifts are given. It is really fun to receive the gift and to search for a gift but I find most value in looking for a meaningful gift for someone I care about. Seeing the joy on their face is priceless and overall the game connects me to family and friends so much. Try one of these games this Christmas with family or friends!


Courtesy of DFW LIGHTS

 4) Exploring Neighborhood Christmas Lights

This one is very simple but very enjoyable and festive. This Christmas go with your family or some friends and a cup of hot chocolate and drive around your neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. Talk about which houses are your favorite or which types of lights/decorations you like the most. It’s an easy way to spend a holiday night and get to know those around you better.

The Polar Express


5) Favorite Movie on Christmas Eve

Last but not least is a long storied tradition in my family. Every year on Christmas Eve my family gets their coziest pajamas on and everyone grabs a cup of hot chocolate in anticipation of a wonderful night. We then watch The Polar Express, a Christmas classic, and enjoy the hot cocoa and warm fire in the fireplace. This tradition is such a special part of my year and holidays and it is one I would quickly tell you to try. Even if you choose a movie more enjoyable to you, it’s always fun to warm up with some hot chocolate and a movie the night before Christmas.

This concludes my short list of Christmas traditions that are so special to me. If you have any unique traditions you have, feel free to comment them below and I will be sure to try them.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!