As the first semester’s end and winter creeps nearer, the sky becomes darker and so will these last few weeks of school unless you prepare. In this article, I will go over how to succeed in the upcoming midterms and how to academically finish strong.
Time Management
Time management aligns with the first topic, organization. I myself am victim to procrastination. I believe it is somewhat an inherent nature of humans, to delay things that we don’t want to do until we realize that we need to do it. However, I have spent a lot of time thinking: “What can I do to stop procrastinating and be as productive as possible?”.
Sometimes I respond with the Nike slogan Just Do It, and sometimes I just set the question aside out of laziness. I believe that productivity strives from motivation. To this I say, find a reason to put in hours of studying when you’d much rather be playing the OG Fortnite Season with your friends. Whether it’s opening up ranger-net and seeing outstanding grades or just to feel rewarded for your hard work, find a reason. Ultimately, having good time management will not only correlate with your academic success, but also with your respective career path and job in your later life.

Orienting yourself is the first step to efficient studying and ultimately executing on exams. Figuring out what tests you have and when they are will prevent any last minute surprises. You can easily check all your classes’s schedules under the ‘schedule’ section on RangerNet. I would recommend writing somewhere other than on your computer the most important dates, somewhere that would constantly remind you of these inevitable dates. After you have an understanding of when your tests will occur, create a study plan that aligns with your respective schedule. Work around sports/extracurriculars so that you have designated times for studying without distractions or interruptions. Make sure to create specific time slots for whichever subject/test you are studying for to maximize productivity.

Utilize Resources
Whether it’s using the provided test prep, Ray Dass, or meeting with teachers, utilizing what is provided through Jesuit will help you significantly. Personally, I believe that meeting with teacher’s is the best way to prepare yourself. In particular, any of the commons are great places to meet with teachers. If your teacher is not there, there will almost always be another teacher who can assist you. Remember, your teacher is the person who creates and grades your tests. You are given the opportunity to ask anything that may confuse you or something that you just want clarification on, so take advantage of it. Another amazing resource is the math lab. The math lab is welcome to any students at all times during the school day. Whether you need math help or help in another class, the math lab isn’t strictly just for math assistance. Lastly, always check the topics section of any class to see if your teacher has extra videos/practice work available. I have found these to be helpful if I didn’t understand something during class.

Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy
Achieving academic success goes beyond mastering course material; it necessitates a holistic approach that places a premium on physical and mental well-being. Adequate sleep, a cornerstone of brain function, is crucial for containing information and fully understanding it. Quality nutrition provides the brain with the essential nutrients it requires to operate at its best. Furthermore, maintaining mental health is important as stress and anxiety can hinder focus and problem-solving abilities. By prioritizing self-care, you not only enhance your capacity for sustained concentration during study sessions but also fortify your resilience in the face of academic challenges. Below are 5 tips for staying mentally and physically healthy from Orygen.

While I see these 4 topics as the main factors of academic success, at the end of the day it is all relative. If you are rocking your classes by doing something different from what I have gone over, keep doing what you’re doing. However, if you feel lost or are struggling to grapple with the academic load, I recommend giving these tips a shot. Have a great Thanksgiving Break and good luck on a strong finish to the first semester!
Stay tuned to The Roundup for future academic tips!